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Paul Mitchell he asks this question on quora |
I was dead against it because I thought that Australia was just doing the USA’s dirty work, but now am cautiously optimistic that it might be an unbiased piece of
research, especially as neither China or the USA have anything to say on the matter.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that it was around in several countries well before it was found in Wuhan.
It’s known not to have escaped from a lab, and it did not start at the wet market in Wuhan.
If the inquiry starts by looking at what countries had evidence of COVID-19 last year, then try to put together a picture that is based on science rather than politics
To try and make it political would be counterproductive.
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Few answers are below:-
Ans 1:- The very proposition of ‘inquiry into China’s initial COVID response’ is a literal American politics talking point. One which was bluntly propagated by the very Republican Party itself.
Ans 2:- Breaking news: the inquiry is going ahead.
Crucial to the inquiry will be Zhong JiXian’s case notes for the husband-wife who presented in about the middle of December 2019. Being a skilled physician she commissioned an X-Ray of the lungs of the asymptomatic “living at home” son.
Both of his lungs were heavily infected.
The rest is history.
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Covid-19 news
Ans 3:- I don’t know why, but I subscribed to Twitter highlights, and every single day I seem to wake up to nothing but Lindsey Graham’s tweets literally saying “We don’t blame Trump, we blame China.”.
Ans 4:- 80% of our/Australia's COVID-19, cases the origin was the US, Prime Minister Scott Morrison revealed this. There was also a health warning after our 2019 flu season started, in June or July I think it was, we were informed we were not covered by our annual flu shot for some new strain of flu virus. I don't understand all the science and different strains, but I do remember that warning last year, and it is mentioned on the internet. So as long as the inquiry is entirely independent, only the science, and the facts, and not politics, then it's fine. However if some General or mad scientist turns up with a flask, and waves it around, then I will not believe or support any of it.
On Trump, he’s up for election, he can't win on the economy or his handling of the pandemic, his advice is to blame China. Polling shows this tactic is working, and why Biden’s tactic is I am harder than China.
What amazes me is taxpayers pay for this farce. How could Australia have let the barley issue drag on for 18 months, and the beef was not the first time.
Ans 5:- Actually, if one reads the messages coming out of Aust govt, it has moved from a political inquiry that predetermined the fault of China to a WHO scientific inquiry into the origin of COVID-19. As a matter of fact, China was already long in dialogue with the WHO into such a project, to help elucidate the scientific origin of this virus amongst other matters, including the various national responses and outcomes, to help future public health decisions. Of course, just reading the US-centric English media, it sounded as if Australia is getting to its objective of hunting down China, the reality is that few if any country wanted to join Australia and UK (towing US’s geopolitical line), but most are supportive of WHO’s initiative that carried the support of China into a scientific and public health inquiry. So, one needs to clearly define the specific inquiry one is talking about. Of course, Australian politicians are being shameless and claiming that their initiative has received support. It’s a shameless political spin.
Ans 6:- I am willing to bet money that it will be framed as a moral victory against China, even though the inquiry makes no mention of China or Wuhan. And if the results do not incriminate China somehow then the inquiry will be retroactively be declared as “bought off by the Chinese”.
Ans 7:- Only by the USA, an investigation is important even if it is only about processes, No investigation should blame China of any more then minor mismanagement by the local party members, controlling Wuhan, an investigation should be focused on the process of declaring a pandemic, perhaps the WHO should have been more proactive, a nonbiased independent investigation should have the backing of China, China also could learn how to manage these events in the future.
The only two countries screaming and yelling the loudest, are, the USA and China, The USA is screaming at China, and using lies as some sort of alternative facts, China is yelling at Australia and threatening trade sanctions, just because China thought Australia was being “a lap dog of the USA”, instead of seeing the request for an investigation as a means for future generations not to fall into this condition.
Other than the USA, no other country “blames” China, nor do they even consider this to be a man-made virus, but as we know, Trump is very loud and drowning out all reasonable communication, Australia is seen to be echoing Trump within China, this is so far from the truth, it is the same as Trump using alternative facts’
Ans 8:- Still cautious that Australia is being the proxy for America in this. Now that Australia has gone crying to the WTO about China's tariffs on barley they might just have the motivation to fuck china up as revenge.
Ans 9:- If it is truly unbiased (as I hope it is), I sense the US isn’t going to like the commission’s conclusions…
Ans 10:- The thing with this is if you listen to what members of the WHO have been saying, this kind of investigation is pretty standard after a pandemic. It's just that it has been politicized to the point that it has caused major tensions between China and Australia, unleashed xenophobia, against people of Asian ethnicity, all to coax favoritism from a president that is desperately looking for an excuse for major policy failings.
They were two external investigations after the previous two pandemics into the WHO and nations effected as to how they were handled and how to improve upon it.
Indeed Canada learned a lot about their previous mistakes with SARS to the point they are the poster children for successfully combating it.
None of this was controversial until politicians started throwing around tantrums.
The science will always teach us this virus’s origins, and epidemiologists will look at how we responded. Instead of recognizing these as necessary steps to dealing with a universal problem, we instead used it to attack each other.
I've seen both the best and worst in people in this crisis, so I shouldn't really be surprised.
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Collected from quora
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