Why does China fail to promote its image to the rest of the world? - MH News71

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Monday, May 25, 2020

Why does China fail to promote its image to the rest of the world?

Momen Gola
lifelong learner
Disclaimer: I'm employed by the Chinese Communist Party to defend China on Quora. I buy paid around eighteen,000 RMB per month for this job. Last month, I used to be a gift in an exceedingly meeting with the pinnacle of the packaging Department of the Communist Party of China wherever I conferred my info ideas and got ninetieth of them approved.

Now, jokes aside. If someone took Maine seriously — I used to be kidding. Let’s get to the solution.

Stereotypes about China have not been serving its image in a good way.
There are many misconceptions about the country that are spread by agenda-driven media, ignorant politicians, Hollywood, and so on and so forth.

So far, I can say that as one would expect, out of the world’s population, there are a selected few that will know a lot about China and a very

the large majority who will know almost nothing about it, or have some stereotypical impressions about it, including the following:

* The Chinese language is very difficult, thousands of complicated letters.

* The Chinese government is authoritarian, and they mistreat minorities.

* Chinese tourists are rude, noisy, dirty, and usually impolite and ignorant.

* Chinese may be hardworking and obedient but lack social skills.

* There are lots of Chinese people out there, a hell lot of people.

* They are not allowed to have more than one child as per the policy.

* They suck at football, but they are really good at stuff like ping-pong.

* They all look the same, they look the same as Japanese and Korean.

* They manufacture everything and have AliExpress and Huawei phones.

* They eat strange things that are usually not eaten somewhere else.

* There is a huge wall there, that can allegedly be seen from the moon.

* They are anti-democracy due to what is going on with Taiwan.

* They recently had a quarrel with Japan because of some empty island.

* Their culture is ancient, they have been there for thousands of years.

I think this sums up most of the more common stuff.

Of course, some people more involved with China, as well as business-people that, for different reasons, have been there, or deal with Chinese people and companies, know much more...

  • China’s answer to Starbucks — Luckin Coffee 瑞幸咖啡 (NASDAQ: LK), which had falsified financial and operational figures, by inflating the number of items sold per store by at least 69% in the third and by 88% the fourth quarter of 2019, and that its chief operating officer, Jian Liu, had fabricated the company's 2019 sales by "around RMB2.2 billion" (US$310 million). This caused the company to be raided by regulators in China and to receive a delisting notice from Nasdaq.
  • Chinese video streaming site iQiyi 爱奇艺 (NASDAQ: IQ) has been accused of fraud and inflating its financial numbers by a research firm, just days after coffee chain Luckin Coffee found a senior executive fabricated 2019 sales. Wolfpack Research, which describes itself as “activist research and due-diligence firm”, released a report a few weeks ago, alleging that iQiyi “was committing fraud well before its IPO (initial public offering) in 2018 and has continued to do so ever since.”
  • TAL Education Group 好未来 (NYSE: TAL), a Beijing-based operator of tuition centers said an employee may have inflated the sales of a business segment worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • Chinese drug maker Kangmei Pharmaceutical 康美药业 (SSE: 600518) was issued a decision of penalties and bans by the China Securities Regulatory Commission after finding financial report fraud, suspected misrepresentation and other violations of laws and regulations.

It is worth mentioning that recently an influential Chinese think tank warned China its global image is the worst it has been in 31 years and that a worst-case scenario could mean armed conflict with the US.

Public Opinion

Opinion 1 (Adam Hu):-  The hypocrisy is after Madoff, WorldCom, Enron, and various other scams, the Anglo-West don't consider themselves a den of thieves and generally untrustworthy.

But they willingly accept that about the Chinese based on some (much smaller) episodes of fraud.

Opinion 2 (Sam Hajit):- No one is denying that China and the CCP have not done bad things, and these problems should be dealt with diplomatically, however, Western media pounces on any little thing to inflate the hatred of China among ignorant Westerners who never gave it much thought. The US is itching to go to war and they essentially own the media.

Opinion 3 (David Lambright):- Bernie Madoff is still in Federal prison, Bernard Ebbers (Worldcom) served 13 years in prison, receiving a compassionate release 3 months before he died, for their parts in the scandals you cite. Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling (Enron) were both convicted of fraud. Skilling served 12 years if a 14-year sentence in federal prison. Lay eluded imprisonment by dying before he could be sentenced. That's the difference that erases the hypocrisy.

Opinion 4 (A Chaudhuri):- Can Chinese people openly criticize their leadership? No. In the world of hypocrites, China is more hypocritical than the West. Plain and simple.

Opinion 5 (Adela Hogarth):- The largest decreases play into certain key issues.

Like the Chinese ‘Coast Guard’ playing chicken with Indonesia’s coastline. Indonesia launched a squadron of torpedo-laden fighters, and it came within minutes of causing a Pacific skirmish.

Incidents like this are part and parcel why sentiment plummeted so dramatically in such a small amount of time.

Indonesia nominally didn’t give much of two fucks about China … right until it tried to slap Indonesia in the face with a dick measuring contest, and Indonesia doesn’t respond well to people mucking about in its EEZ.

You don’t hear much about it, but Indonesia is surprisingly well-armed.

The Chinese admiralty was being cute and thought Indonesia wouldn’t basically crank that dial to a sudden 10. Either the Chinese moved their ships, or they’d become part of Indonesian reefs.

There’s something to be said of perpetually wearing mailed gloves.

Canada has stories like this as well.

Like how it arrested ‘Princess’ Meng (of Huawei) over bank fraud charges … So the Chinese government just mass arrested a whole bunch of Canadians and sent them to black sites where the Canadian government wasn’t informed where they were being taken.

Which … you know … is bad.

Not sure what’s behind Sweden’s beef with China.

Australians, much like Indonesia, don’t like the fact that it seems like the Chinese Navy (official or unofficial) and its adjuncts are trying to provoke a conflict in the Southwest Pacific.

Mainly because Indonesia will shoot if the Chinese try to play the usual mind games, and it will trigger the next Pacific War. Not that I necessarily blame Indonesia … Indonesia doesn’t want the South China Sea to ‘grow’ just because the Chinese have magic markers and a map of the world.

Opinion 6 (Cheong Tee):- About coast and sea issues I think Indonesia has far more conflicts with Vietnam fishermen, has often arrested and even sinking Vietnam boats.

Canada chose to do dirty work for the USA, if China's government didn’t do anything, then there would be many mainland Chinese hating Canada and at a minimum boycotting Canadian businesses. So what China did was partly to calm the Chinese populace, to defend Canadian interests. Of course it’s sending Canada a signal of the possibility of retaliation so Canada had to be more careful when a dirty order should come from the USA.

Opinion 7 (Martyn Bonham-Yang):- Sweden's issue is that China illegally abducted a Swedish citizen in a third country (Gui Minhai, kidnapped in Thailand by Chinese agents) after he renounced his Chinese citizenship, then they refused to allow the Swedish government any access to him, forced him to sign a dubious-legality “re-taking of Chinese nationality” form and then formally arrested him for things which have no concrete evidence.

Abducting a different country's citizens is unacceptable, but happens rarely, for example in the case of high-level terrorists. Denying government access to talk with their citizen is a massive breach of international law and human rights. Forcing Gui Minhai to “re-take” Chinese nationality without consultation with his Swedish authorities is a breach of his human rights and a breach of Chinese law too, which doesn't allow for “re-taking” nationality after it has been given up.

Not to mention that Sweden is home to a large number of Uyghur refugees and the Swedish government has criticized China for threatening these people if they oppose the Chinese narrative about what happens in Xinjiang.

Opinion 8 (Ali Sedighi):- American troops are stationed all over the world. They have a massive naval presence in the South China Sea, and the Persian Gulf, to ensure that every country abides by their demands. What makes China such a threat to the world, when America has been bullying every country on the planet for almost a century?

Opinion 9 (Catalin Olteanu):- Look I generally have a v.positive impression about China. I don’t believe at all they are communist just by the name. However lately I’m concerned about an extensive big-brother system, therefore, I’m reluctant to buy Chinese phones (my wife has a p30 but forbade her to put a card on it). I know 3 machine factories whom Chinese producers have copied their machines to the last piece and even gone to Germany to sell (they spend 30% of turnover for research). In my opinion, the people in Democratic countries are v.sentitive to big brother issue and I don’t think they will ever accept it.

Opinion 10 (Wincent Ivan):-  Well, it's not that bad, in fact some are good. Some donghua (Chinese anime) are considered better than average Japanese anime. Instead, it's the label ”made in China” that causes it to be underappreciated. With CCP branding, even delicious cuisine tastes like shit.

MH News71
Always On The Way Of The Truth.

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